13 articles
Where can I find the practice tests used during my bootcamp?
What should I do if I forgot to prepare for Targeted Group Practice in advance of the session?
Can I deviate from the curriculum?
What should I do if I finish my session early?
How can I accommodate learners who are granted extra time on the SAT?
Can I get recordings of my sessions?
Will I have access to diagnostics to know the content gaps of my learners?
How does “suggested practice” identify high, medium, and low priority problems?
Am I allowed to pick between practice tests or should I use specific ones?
Besides homework, can I suggest other resources to use outside of sessions?
How should I prepare my curriculum slides if I do not have a Google account?
What should I do if my computer won't allow me to use the Zoom annotate feature?
What should I do if the curriculum link isn't working for me?